Get Involved and Grow through Discipleship
It is our view that an ongoing commitment to discipleship should be a part of everyone’s life regardless of your experience and level of understanding. Our Discipleship Growth Track is a step-by-step process that can be used to measure the healthiness of our church, by tracking membership involvement and participation in the discipleship mission of the church. We want you to get involved with us and grow through discipleship.
Get Involved
Discipleship Growth Track and Opportunities to Get Involved are always happening at Mount Zion.
Step One: Connect
This step is where individuals will connect with God and with other believers through weekly corporate worship experience. By exalting God, we create an atmosphere for believers to connect with God.
Step Two: Plant
Step 2 is where people get planted into the church through a new membership orientation session. It is our goal to equip believers with foundational principles as it relates to the church and their walk with the Lord. This general happens every other month. For questions email: [email protected]
Step Three: Follow
Here, members will learn how to follow Christ’s example of evangelizing the lost and how to tell their story in order to win people to Christ. This step occurs a month after Step 2.
Step Four: Grow
This is where individuals will grow through discipleship and kingdom group sessions. Here, believers will further discover their personal and spiritual gifts to enable the body and our local church. This step is ongoing. Email [email protected] for more information.
Step Five: Go
By serving, members will utilize their personal and spiritual understanding, to develop the relationships, join the Dream Team, serve in a ministry and/or be a part of outreach service opportunities. This step is also ongoing. Email [email protected] for more information.