The Encouragement Ministry is designed to help position the church for long-term stability, long-term maturity and long-term growth. We accomplish this goal by building the “Family Unit” with strong marriages and healthy relationships. The family is God’s creation. It is the most essential and most noble of all human institutions. When families are healthy and functional, society prospers at every level.

Ministry Resource Director

E Team Leader – Elder Troy Raines

Biblical Counseling

The Counseling Ministry is in place for the purpose of assisting members of the church body in their spiritual, emotional and relational growth by helping them with emotional barriers that inhibit growth.

Daughters of Destiny

Daughters of Destiny are an encouragement ministry that seeks to assist in equipping women to meet their spiritual, relational and emotional needs and that of their families. This ministry will provide opportunities for women to come together and learn how to walk victoriously in all areas of their lives by becoming women of excellence.

Marriage Ministry

The marriage ministry seeks to encourage married and engaged couples of Mount Zion. Through varies events and programming, couples have the opportunity to grow along side their brothers and sisters in Christ.

The Marriage Ministry is comprised of two groups:
Couples of Hope and One Flesh which are listed below.

Couples of Hope

Couples of Hope is a counseling program designed to help strengthen marriages and overcome challenges by applying biblical truth. If you are interested in learning more about Couples of Hope, or want to sign up for this program, complete the Interest Form located below.

One Flesh

One Flesh is a small group specifically designed for married couples. These groups of 6 – 12 people provide an avenue for both married couples to learn biblical truths and share testimonies in a more personable setting

Singles Ministry

The Singles Ministry provides a “dynamic Christ-centered outlet” for adults (18 years and up) who are committed to searching for their true purpose. The vision is to equip and empower single adults to become complete in every area of life through relationship with Jesus Christ and healthy relationships with others.

Men of Valor

Men of Valor show our love for God, by strengthening and encouraging men, through small groups, to be doers of the word.
Through small groups and men’s ministries, we are growing a brotherhood of believers who are committed to kingdom building through both fellowship and service. We encourage all the men to come out, fellowship, and learn to grow into the servant leaders God has called us to be.