Mount Zion Care Ministry
We are here to care for you when life gets hard.
At Mount Zion, we primarily care for people through our Deacons.
Deacons are an extension of our senior leadership meant to support you and your family so the senior leadership can handle the day-to-day ministry of the church.
If you are ever in need of benevolence, are sick or injured, or simply need spiritual guidance, a Deacon will be available to help you walk through that season of your life.
Deacon Board
Calvin & Minnie Riley
Chairman of Deacons Ministry
Willie & Karen Brown
Vice Chair Deacon’s Ministry (Operations)
Ralph Miller
Vice Chair Deacon’s Ministry (Spiritual Development)
District Lead Deacons
District 1 – James & Cheryl Goode
District 2 – Charles & Evangeline Thorne
District 3 – Marvin & Chris Hall
District 4 – Michael & Sonja Mobley
District 5 – Harry & Barbara McRae
District 6 – Ralph Miller
District 7 – James & Jewell Milner

Biblical Counseling
There are times in life when the demands of daily life can feel overwhelming, and you need Godly wisdom to help you navigate through it.
We are honored to offer individual Biblical counseling to Mount Zion members at no cost. This counseling is confidential, grounded in scripture, and not shaped by the personal opinions of any particular counselor.
We also understand that there are occasions when counseling from trained professionals outside the church is necessary. In such cases, we are pleased to provide referrals to trusted professionals and offices we have thoroughly vetted.

Premarital & Marital Counseling
We offer premarital and marital counseling to members of Mount Zion at no cost. Our goal is to help you build a lasting marriage that honors Jesus in everything you do.
If you need counseling outside of the church, we will provide a referral should the need arise.

Financial Assistance
The Helping Hands Ministry provides financial assistance of up to $400 to help prevent disconnection or displacement. Applications are generally available online during the second week of each month, as long as funds are available. Our next application period will open at 9AM on Monday, April 7th. We can assist with overdue rent, mortgage, and utility bills (electric, water, and gas), but support is limited to one bill every 12 months.
Please be aware that not all applications are approved, as each one is carefully reviewed by a committee of volunteers. For information about the next application period or if you need assistance with your online application, please call (336) 373-4264. Mount Zion members, senior adults, individuals with disabilities, or those without internet access can call between 9:00 AM and 9:30 AM on the first day we begin accepting applications for assistance.
Please note, we cannot accommodate walk-ins.

Food Pantry
Our drive-thru food pantry is open every Wednesday from 9:00 to 10:00 am, or while supplies last. Additional food may be available on other days, depending on inventory.
For information about current food availability, please contact the church office at (336) 273-7930 during regular business hours.
Have questions about Helping Hands at Mount Zion?
Please contact Evainna W. Ross at or (336) 373-4264.