Next Steps at Mount Zion

You were created to be in authentic relationships with Jesus and others.

Growth Track helps you:

Connect with God and others

Get planted into Mount Zion

Follow Jesus' lead in life

Grow in your faith and relationships

Go use your gifts in our church and community

It’s our goal to give you every tool you need so you can join us in helping reconcile the world to God through Jesus Christ.

Follow Jesus in Baptism

At Mount Zion, baptism is known as “Go Public,” just as Jesus went public by being baptized! Baptism is an important step in the life of every believer, and we can’t wait to celebrate you as you take that step.

Get Planted at Mount Zion through Membership

At Mount Zion, membership begins with attending a New Member Orientation session. These online events take place every other month and will help you determine if Mount Zion is the place where you’d like to plant yourself and commit.

Kingdom Groups help you grow in your relationships with God and others.

No one was meant to do life alone.

With opportunities ranging from spiritual growth to personal development, Mount Zion Kingdom Groups cater to every stage of life. There is a Kingdom Group just for you, filled with others who are ready to fellowship and walk with you on your journey.

Use your gifts through serving

The best way to get connected to other people is through joining a serving team. At Mount Zion, those teams are a part of our Dream Team.

Members of the Dream Team use their personal gifts to serve the church on Sundays and serve our community throughout the week.

Have questions about Growth Track?

Please contact Pastor Crystal Hood at