Mount Zion Students

We help students develop authentic relationships with Jesus and others so they can live in a radically open and loving community.

Sunday Mornings

Our Students Grades 6th-12th join their families in the sanctuary during our 11AM service.

Only New Era Night

O.N.E. Night

Throughout the year, we host a special event designed specifically for our students to build community, learn what it means to be committed to Jesus, and gain practical ideas for how to live that out at school, with their friends, and wherever they go in life.

Next O.N.E. Night: TBD

College Students

We believe no one should ever fall through the cracks.

Our College/Young Adult Ministry is designed to help college students and young adults build relationships so they have a solid foundation as they grow into adulthood.

We know the potential young adults have and we want to help them unleash their gifts to make an impact for Jesus in our culture today

Upcoming Student Events

(Event integration with Realm coming soon)

Have questions about anything involving students at Mount Zion?

Please contact Pastor Montana So at