Ages 18-35
Young & Dangerous
We help college students and young adults connect with God, build relationships, and uncover their purpose.
We believe no one should ever fall through the cracks.
Our College/Young Adult Ministry is designed to help college students and young adults build relationships so they have a solid foundation as they grow into adulthood.
We know the potential young adults have. We want to help them unleash their gifts to make an impact for Jesus in our culture today!

tuesdays at 7:30 pm
The Conversation Room
Looking for a place that combines strong Biblical teaching with actual, authentic conversations? If so, The Conversation Room is what you’re looking for.
We meet at least three times during our active months for engaging worship, prayer, and encounters in the presence of God.
When: 1st, 2nd, 3rd Tuesdays at 7:30 pm*
Where: Sanctuary
*The Conversation Room runs January – April and September – November.

Thursdays at 7:00 am
Prayer Huddle
Nothing of significance in life happens apart from prayer. On Thursdays* in the summer, we come together from wherever we are to spend time praying and encouraging each other.
Text “YAM300” to 84576 to sign up.
*The Prayer Huddle happens in May, June, and August.
Upcoming College/Young Adult Events
(Event integration with Realm coming soon)
Have questions about anything involving young adults at Mount Zion?
Please contact Pastor Montana So at